Business Segment: Business & Commercial Banking
Location: ZA, GP, Johannesburg, Baker Street 30
To unlock revenue & efficiency opportunities through effective data management & analysis, turning large and complex data sets into clear and actionable insights, streamlining reporting, and developing clearer ways of visualizing the most important metrics and trends. The role requires proactively seeking fresh insights and opportunities, as well as developing and managing governance around data collection, data management & reporting for the digital marketing function as it relates to, but is not limited to, Digital, Social & Ecommerce.
QualificationsExperience Required Integrated Marketing - Digital Marketing
Brand & Marketing
5-7 years
Advanced in-depth knowledge of marketing technology. Required to be digitally savvy, especially regarding digital development and digital channel engagement. Ability to track, measure, and report on results of various marketing functions to determine ROI. Advanced in data segmentation and reporting within a Digital Analytics and Marketing Automation system.
The role requires someone who can navigate conversations and drive adoption and understanding of analytics at all levels of the organization, across teams and management levels. Must be able to identify trends and patterns and recommend long-term solutions to support brand reputation. Investigate and identify digital challenges globally and in-country according to global trends. Understanding key target audiences to make key strategic recommendations.
Additional InformationDeveloping StrategiesDirecting PeopleEmpowering IndividualsAnalysing and Interpreting InformationComplianceData Driven Digital MarketingDigital Analytics and ReportingMeasuring Marketing and CommunicationPlatform ManagementStakeholder Management