5-7 years of experience manipulatingdata sets and building statistical models.Having a degree in one of thefollowing fields, Mathematics, Computer Science or another quantitativefield is advantageous.Strong problem-solving skills with an emphasis on product development.Excellent written and verbal communication skills for coordinatingacross teams.Proven track record of implementing ML systems, using TensorFlow andPyTorch.Strong experienceUsing statistical computer languages (R, Python, SQL, etc.)
tomanipulate data and draw insights from large data sets.Querying databases/datasetsStatistical and data mining techniques: GLM/Regression, RandoForest, Boosting, Trees, text mining, social network analysis, etc.Creating and using advanced machine learning algorithms andstatistics:regression, simulation, scenario analysis, modeling,clustering, decision trees, neural networks, etc.A variety of machine learning techniques (clustering, decision treelearning, artificial neural networks, etc.)
and their real-worldadvantages/drawbacks.Advanced statistical techniques and concepts (regression,properties of distributions, statistical tests and proper usage, etc.
)and experience with applications.Responsibilities:Work with stakeholders throughout the organization to identifyopportunities for leveraging company data to drive business solutions.Mine and analyze data from company databases to drive optimizationand improvement of product development, marketing techniques andbusiness strategies.Assess the effectiveness and accuracy of new data sources and datagathering techniques.Develop custom data models and algorithms to apply to data sets.Use predictive modeling to increase and optimize customer experiences,revenue generation, ad targeting and other business outcomes.Develop company A/B testing framework and test model quality.Coordinate with different functional teams to implement models andmonitor outcomes.Develop processes and tools to monitor and analyze model performanceand data accuracy.