Matric / Grade 12 / National Senior CertificateProfessional Qualifications/Honours DegreeResponsibilities:Contribute to a culture conducive to the achievement oftransformation goals by participating in Company Culture buildinginitiatives (e.g.
staff surveys etc).Research and make recommendations for corporate citizenshipinitiatives in area of influenceParticipate and support corporate responsibility initiatives for theachievement of business strategy (e.g.. Green Strategy).Seek opportunities to improve business processes; models and systemsby identifying and recommending effective ways to operate and addingvalue to the Company.Contribute to the development of differentiated; superior solutions(solution engineering) that meet stakeholder and businessrequirements through analysis.Ensure product and/or solution design is congruent with the requiredbusiness specifications through meeting stakeholder requirementstimeously.Contribute to the development of differentiated; superior solutions(solution engineering) that meet stakeholder and businessrequirements through analysis.Ensure product and/or solution design is congruent with the requiredbusiness specifications through meeting stakeholder requirementstimeously.Ensure business needs are met by engaging and assisting businessthrough face to face interaction and attendance at forums andcommittees .Assist the business to address queries by extracting and analysingdata.Perform ad hoc analysis and complete data requests throughmonitoring of data as per client specification.Ensure continuity and knowledge base through documenting andrecording processes and models.Provide insights enabling growth through analytical research; systems and marketing insights by delivering analytical results and making recommendations to stakeholders.Ensure compliance to policy through data analysis andmonitoring.Create efficiencies and streamline processes through analysis.Establish understanding of processes by bridging the gap betweenoperational and analytical concepts through communication.Support the achievement of the business strategy; objectives andvalues by reviewing the Companyand Business Unit Plan and ensuringdelivered systems; process; services and solutions are aligned.Improve personal capability and stay abreast of developments in field of expertise by identifying training courses and career progression for self through input and feedback from managers.Ensure personal growth and enable effectiveness in performance ofroles and responsibilities by ensuring all learning activities arecompleted; experience practiced and certifications obtained and/ormaintained within specified time frames.Enable skilling and required corrective action to take place by sharingknowledge and industry trends with team and stakeholders duringformal and informal interactionObtain buy-in for developing new and/or enhanced processes (e.g.operational processes) that will improve the functioning ofstakeholders' businesses by highlighting benefits in support of theimplementation of recommendations.