Duties/PligteDuties may include, but are not limited to the following:Facilitation of teaching, learning and assessment activities in undergraduate modules in digital- and leadership acumen and/or business ethics.Participating in the development and implementation of online learning opportunities and assessments, including the development of simulations.Supervision of postgraduate students in accountancy and related research fields.Engaging in research and publishing academic work in accountancy and related research fields in reputable academic and peer-reviewed journals.Participating in community interaction / social impact initiatives, including involvement in SAICA's Thuthuka project.Involvement in academic administration and service-rendering.Pligte mag insluit, maar is nie beperk tot die volgende nie:Fasilitering van onderrig-, leer- en assesseringsaktiwiteite in voorgraadse modules vir digitale- en leierskapsvernuf vir rekenmeesters en/of sake-etiek.Deelname aan die ontwikkeling en implementering van aanlyn leergeleenthede en assesserings, insluitend die ontwikkeling van simulasies.Studieleiding aan nagraadse studente in rekeningkunde en verwante navorsingsvelde.Betrokkenheid by navorsing en publikasie van akademiese werk in rekeningkunde en verwante navorsingsvelde in gerespekteerde akademiese en eweknie-beoordeelde vaktydskrifte.Deelname aan gemeenskapsinteraksie- / sosiale impak-inisiatiewe, insluitend betrokkenheid by SAIGR se Thuthuka-projek.Betrokkenheid by akademiese administrasie en dienslewering.Job Requirements/Pos VereistesAn appropriate SAICA-accredited honours degree in accounting or a postgraduate diploma in accounting in the Chartered Accountancy stream.Registration as a Chartered Accountant (South Africa) or eligibility to register.Academic excellence (evidenced by a full academic transcript) and/or proven academic research experience (master's degree in the subject area of accountancy, or a PhD, or publication/s in DHET-approved journal/s);Strong MS Excel skills, which specifically include the demonstrated use of PivotTables and the automation of routine tasks using Macros and VBA.The ability to lecture and function in a multilingual work environment.A commitment to research and social impact/community involvement (including SAICA's Thuthuka project).The ability to handle departmental administration.The ability to work in a team.
'n Toepaslike SAIGR-geakkrediteerde honneursgraad in rekeningkunde, of 'n nagraadse diploma in rekeningkunde in die Geoktrooieerde Rekeningkunde-stroomRegistrasie as 'n Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeester (Suid-Afrika) of die geskiktheid om te registreer.Akademiese uitmuntendheid (bewys deur 'n volledige akademiese rekord) en/of bewese akademiese navorsingservaring (meestersgraad in die vakgebied van rekeningkunde, of 'n PhD, of publikasie/s in DHOO-goedgekeurde tydskrif/te);Sterk MS Excel-vaardighede, wat spesifiek die bewese gebruik van PivotTables en die outomatisering van roetine-take met behulp van Macros en VBA insluit.Die vermoë om in 'n veeltalige werksomgewing te doseer en te funksioneer.
'n Verbintenis tot navorsing en sosiale impak/gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid (insluitend SAIGR se Thuthuka-projek).Die vermoë om departementele administrasie te hanteer.Die vermoë om in 'n span te werk.Recommendation/AanbevelingPrevious instructional design or module development experience.Practical exposure to MS Excel Modelling and/or ACL (Audit Command Language).Practical exposure to Cloud ERP and/or accounting software.Practical exposure to business ethics, corporate sustainability and integrated reporting.As part of the application process, applicants are required to submit a learning activity prepared on Google Sites, demonstrating their MS Excel skills and aptitude for developing online learning materials.
In the learning activity, applicants are required to draw on their practical experience using MS Excel to introduce students to a formula or function and should include practical exercises showcasing real-world applications.Additional InformationAdditional information about the Digital- and Leadership Acumen and Business Ethics Division, and the information needed in the preparation of the online learning activity, can be found here: Digital- and Leadership Acumen Division.